People thinking about learning to dance often have questions. These are some of the questions we get asked most often. Don't hesitate to contact us for more information.
What if I don't know how to dance?
You will be at the same point where we all started. Come to classes and you will learn.
What if I don't have a dance partner for class?
In the classes, you rotate partners and dance with everyone there. That gives you practice with the more experienced dancers.
What kind of shoes should I wear?
Wear comfortable shoes that stay securely on your feet. Leather soles or slick rubber soles are best. Later you may want to buy special dance shoes.
What should I wear to a dance?
The dance announcement will tell you what attire is acceptable.
Dressy casual means slacks with an open shirt for men and less dressy skirt/dress/pants for women.
Dressy means suit and tie for men and more dressy skirt/dress/pants for women.
Black tie optional/formal means dark suit or tux for men and long or short cocktail dresses/pants for women.
Then there are theme dances where it's optional to dress to go with the theme.
Will I get to dance if I don't have a partner?
Most people who attend our dances like to dance with different people. That is part of the fun. There are usually mixers and dance cards to encourage dancing with different people.
What if I don't know the dance, or I only know the basic steps and someone asks me to dance?
Tell him or her that you are new to dancing and dance the steps you know.
How much does a dance cost?
Normally club members pay $5 and non-members pay $10.
Occasionally, there is a special dance where the admission is different. Our September dance is free to current members. Our Draw Down dance is $25 for the raffle ticket.
What if I want to join Tupelo Ballroom Dance Club?
The membership dues are $25 for one year. You can either send a check for $25 to Betty Franks, P.O. Box 1447, Saltillo, MS 38866, or join at one of our dances.
What volunteer opportunities are available?
Set up or take down chairs and tables at the dances. Help decorate the tables. Help get the food set out and ready. Clean off tables and fold tablecloths after a dance. Host a dance and choose the theme. Help at a special event such as visiting a group or giving a demonstration. Men could be dance hosts to dance with different ladies. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
What if I want to ask the dance club to participate in an event?
You can ask any of the board members, and it will be discussed at the next board meeting. Members are always welcome at board meetings.
When does the board meet?
The board usually meets on the Sunday after a dance. On occasion we have to put the meeting off until another time, so check with a board member to be sure we're meeting. The meetings last about two hours.
What if I want to serve on the club board?
Board members are expected to attend monthly board meetings, help hold the monthly dance, and help with special events and other activities. Tell a current board member if you are interested in serving on the board.
How do I submit a suggestion that I think would benefit the club?
You can tell a board member about it or come to a board meeting to present it.